St Joseph will help you buy and sell Homes, no REALLY!

I personally had never heard of this until a couple days ago.  My clients have had their home for sale for over 4 months.  Late November we had the discussion and it was decided that the sign would come down from the front yard on December 1st and we would put the sale on hold until early spring.

Around that same time a neighbor told Estela (the home owner) about St Joseph.  He is a Saint that is believed to help you sell your home.  The legend says that St Joseph is the father of Jesus and the husband of the Virgin Mary, and he will help you sell real estate.  What you are supposed to do is bury St Joseph in your yard upside down facing your home and he will help you sell it.  Once the home is sold you are supposed to dig him up and put him in a place of honor in your next home.

Estela, a few days later bought a St Joseph statue but felt bad burying him… so she had him on a shelf in the house.  Keep in mind, she had asked me to take down the sign December 1st.  I forgot to make the call to have the sign removed and on December 7th she called me about it.  That day I called to have it come down the next day.  That night I received a phone call from someone driving by because the sign was still up.  I showed that potential buyer the house the next day and they made an offer.  The offer was not yet accepted so I met with Estela and we drafted up our counter offer.

The night we signed the counter offer we were unsure whether it would be accepted or not but we had faith in St Joseph.  Estela and I went out to the front yard and I removed the sign myself.  We both looked down at the hole from the sign post I just pulled out of the ground.  I think we both looked at each other with the same look on our face.  We knew what had to be done.  We brought St Joseph out, wrapped him in seran wrap and buried him upside down facing the house.  We said a prayer to St Joseph, gave each other a big hug and I left for the night.

The next day I met the prospective buyers at the home and we signed the counter offer and opened escrow the following day.

It’s funny how things work out, a couple days later another agent called me and said she was about to write up an offer and just realized it was no longer active…Not only did St Joseph Help, he went overboard.  This is a link with more information.